There is simply no way to study the topic of state repression/human rights violation without a strong sense of humanity as well as humor and thus will also feature interesting cartoons that we find relevant to the topic at hand.
Ted Rall - Political Cartoonist and Repression Scholar/Observer Extraordinaire

Although most are familiar with Machiavelli who now sits with Madonna, Bono and Hobbes as those people who only need one name for us to know what is up. I always like the work of Etienne De La Boetie who wrote a little after Machiavelli. In The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude De La Boetie is not interested in telling the Prince how to establish and maintain popular acquiescence/servitude but rather he is interested in showing citizens how much power that they have when they refuse to acquiesce.
The is relevant to the Rall comic because De La Boetie goes on to suggest that one of the best ways to distract a population from the evils that are being done and the inequalities that exist is with "bread and circuses". We could replace this with video games, film, music and marijuana. This would be the subject of my project POP Struggle.
The is relevant to the Rall comic because De La Boetie goes on to suggest that one of the best ways to distract a population from the evils that are being done and the inequalities that exist is with "bread and circuses". We could replace this with video games, film, music and marijuana. This would be the subject of my project POP Struggle.